Sara Tye was born and raised near Salt Lake City, Utah. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in nutrition and food science with a minor in political science from Utah State University. She worked for the University of Utah until her first child was born in 2007, after which she left the workforce to be a stay at home mom. She then went on to have two more children. All three of her children were diagnosed with PKU at birth.
The Tye family now resides in Logan, Utah, and a typical day often includes cooking low protein foods and shuttling kids to school and activities. Sara also loves to spend time doing anything outdoors. She loves to ski and snowshoe, water ski, hike and camp. She also loves to read and play the piano. Her greatest hope is that there will someday be a cure for PKU, but in the meantime she hopes all people with PKU can maximize their potential through excellent care and access to life-saving medications and formula.